당사 및 당사 임직원은 어떠한 형태로도 개인 및 불특정 다수를 상대로 투자 상담 권유 및 송금 요청을 하지 않으니 주의하시기 바랍니다.
당사나 당사 임직원을 사칭하는 투자 사기 문의나 제보 또는 그로 인하여 피해를 입으신 경우에는 곧바로 경찰에 신고 바랍니다. 당사는 이와 관련하여 어떠한 책임도 부담하지 않음을 알려 드립니다.
North Asia Private Equity
Largest independent North Asian private equity firm, with over $30 billion in capital under management
Exclusive focus on the North Asia markets China, Japan and Korea
Dedicated North Asia focus
Strong emphasis on control
Value creation experience
Local investment teams
Strategic focus on core sectors
Dedicated North Asia focus
Capitalizing on distressed opportunities
Flexibility across the capital structure
Local investment teams
Equity returns with downside protection
Large, experienced, local team of 98 investment professionals across our five offices
Backed by our strong local relationships and market knowledge, MBK Partners has built a leading position in North Asia's private equity market.
We invest in a broad range of industries and seek to acquire industry-leading companies to create long-lasting value.
For any inquiries, please contact us.
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